He decided not to get it biopsied and surgically removed. So by the time
he arrived, he had already been on the parasite killing, isopropyl alcohol-free
regimen for seven weeks. He was also on the “macrobiotic diet.” And, in-
deed, when he arrived in Mexico he tested Negative for isopropyl alcohol
and ortho-phospho-tyrosine (malignancy). But why didn’t the tumor shrink
during these weeks? The answer will be clearer as we follow his progress.
He arrived on October 2. His toxin test was done the first day after arri-
val. Promptness in testing for home toxins is essential because toxins disap-
pear from the body quickly, in days! It showed the following at the “whole
body”: Negative for isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol, benzene, xylene, arse-
nic, aluminum, asbestos, nickel, cobalt, thallium and patulin. Copper was
Negative in general, but Positive when I checked the parotid. Toxins present
were cadmium, formaldehyde, lead, beryllium, mercury, and CFCs. The
pathogen picture was worse. Negative for two species of salmonella, but
Positive for Salmonella typhimurium , one shigella, staphylococcus, and E.
coli. In addition he was tested for seven common fungus varieties; he was
Positive for five, including Aspergillus, in his parotid gland.
He was also Positive for fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and fibronectin
at the parotid, made by Fasciola stages (not Fasciolopsis) and bacteria.
We started with an intensive bacteria killing program in the intestine. He
was given Lugol’s iodine to take 4 times a day to kill salmonella, as well as
Parotid tumor, Sept. 5