the Bowel Program. And, of course, he would continue with the parasite
program, both herbal and zapping.
He was given cysteine, taurine, and methionine to detoxify formalde-
hyde buildup. He was started on the freon removal program. And instructed
to reduce bacterial and fungal growth in the intestine with a series of daily
enemas. It consisted of 1 quart very warm water with 4 tsp. black walnut
tincture extra strength added. At the same time, he would take 1 tsp. by
mouth in water. This would kill the parasites hidden in the intestinal con-
His blood test showed very little damage yet, either from the tumor or
from the toxins causing the tumor.
His blood sugar was much too low (62), and T.p. was too high. This was
the beginning evidence for cobalt and vanadium toxicity. Even tiny amounts
of these, not even detected at the initial “whole body” test would, neverthe-
less, seek out the vital organs.
Tumors of the mouth and throat can be very swift and so disfiguring! It
was reassuring to see his triglycerides and cholesterol high enough to see
him safely through this ordeal.
Anthony was meticulous with his total program even while away for the
next twelve days. Upon his return, the parotid tumor was already shrinking
and actually draining on the inside. He had not started dental work yet! Just
killing bacteria, parasites, and fungus evidently was enough. He could stop
the enema routine and simply take the parasite herbs once a week.
Again he had to leave, this time for four weeks, returning November 15.
The parotid tumor could no longer be seen. His cheek was flat. Most of the
dental metal was out—but not all of it—and replaced with plastic. He was
Negative, now, for Staphylococcus aureus, dental bacteria. He tested Nega-
tive consistently for isopropyl alcohol, benzene, and wood alcohol. He re-
ceived no IV therapy or extra supplements. Evidently, getting rid of bacteria
in his mouth and reducing them in the intestine had empowered his immune
system to clean it all up again.
Three weeks later he returned again to relate how he had passed a tape
worm of the long variety common in horses and cattle. It was after taking
Rascal, a popular anti-tapeworm herbal mixture. We immediately tried to
“mop up” after it with 8 tsp. of black walnut tincture extra strength since the
scolex can be very hard to kill. This was followed by 3 niacinamide tablets,
(500 mg each) then another dose of 8 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength
followed by zapping. We feared the scolex was still present somewhere. He
then left for three months, taking his new lifestyle with him.
On March 6 of the next year he returned for a follow-up. His face looked
perfectly normal, but malonic acid was Positive at the parotid gland. By now
we were using coenzyme Q10 to kill buried tapeworm stages; he required 5
grams. He was also given glutathione for one week. After this he felt no-
ticeably better, although he had not felt ill before. Malonate was now Nega-
tive at the parotid gland. He left for home.