black empty space left by surgery). Fluid from the tumor (edema) has no
place to go and, therefore, creates pressure that pushes the brain aside. An-
other slice, at 147, shows how very extensive (deep) this tumor is.
Here are further notes taken from his file:
November 24, it is four days later. He is keeping his improved status.
Still in wheelchair but talking, wanting to give me a gift. Testing showed:
benzene, isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol Negative. Copper Negative at
parathyroids and liver (plumbing job at home completed). Formaldehyde and
eight food bacteria Negative.
November 27, he is deteriorated, sleeping and crying all the time. I sus-
pected something toxic was back in his brain. Tests were done on his saliva
since he could not hold out his hand for testing.
Isopropyl alcohol Positive. He had used regular soap in the bathroom
while visiting friends. We then tested for the entire set of 35 tapeworm
slides. Three were positive: Dipylidium caninum composite, Taenia pisi-
formis composite, Hymenolepis dim. Composite. The “composite” slides
actually contain pieces of intact tapeworm, without the scolex. Somewhere in
his body, he had three intact tapeworms! We administered 8 tsp. black wal-
nut tincture extra strength which he took without rebelling.
December 4, it has been a week. Ronald walked into my office; doesn’t
need a wheelchair. He is doing much better. No headaches. Has more energy
all day until 6 p.m. Better mood. Test results: benzene, isopropyl, wood al-
cohol and the three tapeworm composite slides all Negative. Evidently the
tapeworms were killed by the 8 tsp. dose of black walnut tincture extra
strength. He has not needed Decadron for one week and is not on Tylenol-
codeine painkillers any more. They will return in one week; it is Saturday.
December 6, Monday. (He returned only two days later), several family
members are with him. He is back in a wheelchair—semi comatose. Extreme
setback started on Sunday. This may be his last day. He is quite still. Family
and staff are poised for action. Or will we give up? I had decided much ear-
lier not to subject him to IV therapy. The pain and hassle of needles coming
out of position or trying to immobilize his arm and the constant disciplining
seemed to be not worth the expected benefit. His days were all too few. But
now I turned the question over afresh. Should we do life-support? A saliva
sample had been taken and rushed to the testers. A dose of black walnut
tincture extra strength, 8 tsp. was carefully poured down his throat, just in
case some tapeworm remnants were responsible. His throat bubbled as he
gasped for air.
The saliva sample tested Positive for benzene. They had allowed him to
eat dessert (on benzene list) two days ago to celebrate his great improvement
then. He was told to take vitamin B 2 , 900 mg/day for 1 week.
I noticed a family member pouring another dose of 8 tsp. BWTES into
his mouth, cradling his head and carefully avoiding choking. This was his
second dose. Someone had misinterpreted my instructions which were a sin-
gle dose. And someone zapped him.