He laughed and he spoke. The staff enjoyed seeing every movement of
his. He was dosed with black wal-
nut tincture extra strength again.
December 15, improvement is
maintained. Patulin and copper
Negative at cerebrum. Malonate
Negative at cerebrum. Were the
tapeworms really all dead or gone
from his brain?
Meanwhile, our new tape-
worm killing program was shaping
up. We found coenzyme Q10
could kill tapeworms, but the dose
was not yet set. Ronald was started
on Q10, 500 mg, two a day, and
continued on black walnut tincture
extra strength, one tsp. a day, plus
niacinamide. He could be off
cloves since they burned him. And
wormwood was down to one dose
a week.
His mother had cut his Te-
gretol dose in half since he was
having no seizures. He was to start
on some vitamin C—but we had
recently found it to be contami-
nated with selenium (metallic se-
lenium is very toxic). We could
not trust it. Ronald must wait till a
new brand of vitamin C was found.
December 18, he is very well,
brought me and staff Christmas
gifts. He is an affectionate child.
Still on 200 mg Tegretol but no
Decadron for three weeks. Before
this he needed it daily. He contin-
ues on methylene blue, one a day,
and Q10 250 mg, one a day.
December 29, he got through
Christmas without one slip-up on
forbidden sweets. His benzene test
was Negative. His mother was
complimented. They brought his
new MRI done at home two days
ago. We compared it with his Oc-
Dec. 27. MRI index. Frame
- Frame 112.