ing better. There is less inhibition of the potas-
sium pumps.
She was given glutamine as a supplement. Also calcium and hydrochlo-
ric acid, 10 drops of a 5% solution at meals twice a day. She was started on
glutathione 500 mg., three times a day and coenzyme Q10, 3 gm every fourth
day for a total of 5 doses. This would give her oxidizing power to kill patho-
gens, burn up their poisonous amines, and help accelerate the Krebs respira-
tion cycle.
She was also taken off fruit in her diet to quickly eliminate patulin. It
was gone in a few days and now her TNF tested Positive. She could begin
shrinking her own tumor. She began to do her dental work.
In two weeks all toxins were testing Negative. Her breast lump was
smaller to touch. She was no longer feeling twinges going to the breast. Only
Staphylococcus and Shigella continued to test Positive at the breast and
A new blood test (Feb. 7), reflected on the removal of heavy metals; the
RBC was finally normal.
But the LDH had risen just enough (over 160) to suggest a tiny bit of
tumor activity again. What was happening? What was new? Dental work!
[We were not aware how the new plastic dentalware could put azo dye right
back into her mouth permanently. And cobalt, vanadium, malonic acid, and
copper, too.] Would all her gains by avoiding toxins be lost in a sudden in-
troduction of them by dental work? Kidney function continued to be hin-
dered and albumin was again too high. But the calcium had come up, so I
knew the parathyroids were now functioning better.
By the next week, she was still in the middle of dental work. The entire
breast had now visibly shrunk and looked perfectly normal. Her IVs were
stopped and a new blood test done (Feb. 13). The LDH was, gratifyingly,
back down and liver enzymes, too. But albumin was not yet normal; was
there still some old cobalt in bits of forgotten amalgam [or was it new cobalt
freshly put in her mouth ]?
She was given evening primrose oil and a selenium supplement. Salmo-
nella continued to plague her. So she stopped using all dairy products. Then
she accidentally picked up isopropyl alcohol and benzene during a weekend
visit to friends. They appeared again in the breast. The breast was twinging,
too, to tell her so. But patulin was not back so she continued to produce TNF
and continued shrinking the tumor.
The third week was ending. A blood test and ultrasound were ordered.
The blood test was too beautiful to read without emotion as it was com-
pared to her first one. Tumor activity (LDH) was even below the level of
security. Albumin, and calcium were normal, as was potassium and the RBC.
Only the low BUN and creatinine told the secret of malonate toxicity while
low uric acid told of Clostridium infection.