A few months later she was in deep trouble. Too sick to travel to her
dentist. Too impoverished to travel back to us. It seemed likely to be just
another abscessed tooth. But her friends and family interpreted her visits to
our clinic as useless, since she didn’t “really get well.” What a toll such hasty
and uninformed judgment can take. We heard no more.
Visit #1
11/20 11/26 1/3 1/9 1/16 1/25 2/6
RBC 3.96 3.89 3.7 3.71 3.41 3.86 3.89
WBC 4,900 3,700 2,800 2,800 3,100 3,400 4,300
PLT 151 159 142 198 148 186 187
glucose 77 71 126 81 54 65 94
BUN 14 13 12 10 (7-
13 11 17
creatinine 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0
35 27 27 26 32 30 27
31 24 23 20 18 21 23
LDH 209 201 183 184 180 203 168
GGT 19 13 19 20 16 21 22
T.b. 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5
alk phos 77 50 66 113 107 150 196
T.p. 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.6 7.5 7.8
Dec 22 vs. Jun 2 head and neck bone scan