It was June 18, the “magic” date for repeating his liver scan. The pic-
tures tell it better than the radiologists’ words.
The liver tumors were gone, the nightmare of cancer about gone. Only a
chronic, mysterious toxicity problem remained, the same as before: copper,
cobalt, vanadium, and malonic derivatives.
Would Sean and his wife leave again before finding the source? Some-
times he would be Positive for mercury and thallium making his leg pain
worse. This time his pain was not all conquered. staphylococcus bacteria
would not leave. And he continued having dental plastic put into his mouth.
They were not thrilled about having his liver tumors vanish. They were
too torn about staying or leaving. He was coughing a lot. His wife voted for
staying. She thought he should have a chest X-ray. Sean thought he was “all
done” again.
It was July 1. The blood test continued to show toxicity effects from va-
nadium, copper, and malonic acid. The LDH was back down, but alk phos
was not. And the platelet count stayed high. His wife finally persuaded him
to have a chest X-ray. On July 3, a chest X-ray revealed a large lung tumor!
This could explain the numerous mysteries we had encountered. His wife
was happy to find it and wanted to focus on it immediately. The tumor ap-
peared fluffy and not too dense. It should not be difficult to dissolve. But
Sean was crushed. He felt he had “put in his time” and wanted nothing so
much as to leave.
Lung tumors have a propensity for producing pain and for bleeding. But
we had gained experience with a new Chinese herb, Yunnan paiyao. It
seemed to prevent bleeding or reduce it, often stopping it. We started him on
this, fearful of using tumor shrinkers that would work too fast and cause
more bleeding.
By now, he had two new crowns in his mouth, against recommenda-
tions. Had the dentist swayed him? He was coughing more, although not
bringing up blood. Still, he felt demoralized. Perhaps all the new toxins
placed in his mouth caused depression (copper often does that). He should
have been hopping with excitement over his successes, not labeling the re-
maining task “failure.” They decided to leave.
Summary: They went home with mixed feelings. Maybe all will be
well, as it so often is. A lung tumor that isn’t hemorrhaging is, after all, “the
best kind”. And, of course, it could be surgically removed. Maybe they did
that. We wish them the best.
12/27 1/8 1/13 5/28 6/5 6/12 6/26 7/1
RBC 4.93 4.82 4.83 4.91 5.1 4.76 4.44 4.08
WBC 11,900 9,200 7,300 8,100 12,000 8,600 13,300 8, 800
PLT 461 407 432 516 394 471 459 487
BUN 12 12 11 24 14 18 18 14
creatinine 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.9