By the next day, she had gotten rid of isopropyl alcohol and was nega-
tive for ortho-phospho-tyrosine. The malignancy was gone. But would she
survive with a liver full of tumors?
On Monday, her blood test results arrived. We feared the worst, and
were pleasantly surprised. Not that a GGT of 794 did not send chills down
our spine. But the LDH (tumor activity) was only 278, the alk phos only 156,
and calcium quite correctable, too, at 10.0.
Electronic testing at the liver showed malonic acid and aflatoxin Posi-
tive, as well as cobalt. [At this time, we did not know all the sources of malo-
nic acid and cobalt.]
By Monday, the copper was gone and her IVs were simply glycyrrhizin,
vitamin C, and magnesium. Potassium was supplemented by making her
table salt a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. [Currently,
we emphasize potassium supplementation much more.]
She had developed insomnia. Testing showed it to be due to E. coli.
Three days later, she still had it in spite of zapping, using Bowel Program
herbs, and another big dose of Q10. We gave her hydrochloric acid (5%), 10
drops in beverage at mealtime, 3 times a day for several days, which cleared
it. By January 5, patulin was negative, aflatoxin was negative, TNF was
On January 8, she was much improved; she had much more energy now;
she had spent two hours on the beach; and she was not sleeping during the
day anymore. She was in the middle of dental work. Her IVs were changed
to include laetrile.
The following day a new blood test showed her RBC was down from 5.3
to 4.98. Had she lost her cobalt toxin? But her liver enzymes had climbed,
not dropped, as we had hoped [due to opening tumors].
Surprisingly the alk phos was up, so bone or lung could be involved.
Yet, she had no symptoms at these locations, and we did not investigate ei-
ther; we had enough to cope with.
A new ultrasound on January 10 showed a passageway of normal liver
tissue separating the tumors on the right side.
In spite of worsening liver tests, she continued to feel well, she was eat-
ing and sleeping. But the next blood test, on January 13, again did not bring
good news. The RBC was back up, the WBC stayed too low [more opening
tumors]. Liver enzymes continued to climb, but the GGT and alk phos were
beginning to decline.
The dropping serum iron was the clue: it must be copper again, and co-
balt besides. [We never suspected her new dental plastic to be seeping cop-
per, germanium and dyes. We found it in the water from her “copper-free”
motel.] She was requested to move and her son eagerly arranged it. Her IVs
were changed again, adding cesium chloride (about 8 grams), and DMSO to
the previous recipe.