Was it breaking up? And the five tumors in the right lobe all looked smaller.
In spite of all this good news, Betty was beginning to worsen [toxicity
from opened tumors]; she could not go for walks and spent her daytime in
bed. Her son had to coax her to eat every mouthful. What was wrong? We
added thioctic acid to her regimen. Her son admitted that Betty had not been
taking supplements [just what was needed to combat toxicity] as directed for
over a week already. She was failing rapidly. A nurse was sent to her resi-
dence to do a CBC. It had improved! RBC was 4.72, WBC was 4,600.
(Remember, an RBC over 4.7 reflects a cobalt or vanadium toxicity):
Yet she continued to decline and had a fever. A saliva sample brought to
us was positive for Salmonella and E. coli. All her foods were quickly tested.
But I was sick myself for several days and only prayed that the conscientious
staff would do their detective work well. She was given 3 grams of Q10,
Lugol’s iodine, 4 times a day to conquer the infection, and urea powder, 5
tsp. a day in water for liver support. Each day I asked if she had survived. In
a few days my own illness had improved enough to continue studies. I de-
cided to try glutathione (reduced) for Betty. It seemed to return my own
health rather swiftly. She was given^1 / 8 tsp., 3 times a day, before meals.
The very next day, she claimed she was “feeling good.” I was seeing her
myself now; she had arrived in the office in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, her
son was undaunted, keeping her spirits high, and her thoughts on success. A
new blood test showed three of the liver tests improving now.
The encircling lines were drawn on the negative by our
Jan 18 right and left lobe liver ultrasounds