was used before our discovery of the great folic acid deficiency in all cancer
The reward, though, and highlight of her return was her new chest X-ray.
The large tumor was broken up. No margins could be seen. It was dispersing.
And the enlarged lymph nodes in the right lung were no longer noted by the
radiologist. But water accumulation had continued, as it must in the presence
of maleic anhydride.
The rest of her story is typical of a cancer patient anywhere in the world
today. Pain and pain killers, nausea and anti nausea medicine.
In spite of tumor dissolution, her health did not improve. I was begin-
ning to see that we typically do not die from the malignancy or tumors them-
selves! We die from the toxicity that caused the tumor growth. Doing away
with the tumors, either surgically or by alternative methods, does not do
away with the toxicity that generated them.
Notice how her BUN remained very low till June 12, the date of her last
blood test. This would keep her toxic with ammonia. Gradually, her liver
function worsened, as AST, ALT, GGT values rose. Her body’s metabolism
could not make energy. [As soon as pyruvate was made, it was diverted by
the hugely increased LDH. The dye causing all this had come out of the tu-
mor but was not being detoxified or eliminated.] Eventually her LDH was
- Alkaline phosphatase, another enzyme rose to 1538. Calcium fluctu-
ated from too high to too low, as the thyroid and parathyroid took turns cop-
Mar 20 chest X-ray shows large tumor breakup