19 Holly Bessant Cancer of the Spine
Holly Bessant, fifty-five, was a tiny woman whose cancer (multiple
myeloma) of the spine began in 1994. As small as her frame was, she could
create a general panic for the entire staff. Just the sight of her colorful hat
coming along the pathway stopped everybody’s conversation. We knew she
was coming for a crisis. And when that was past, it would be “living as
usual” for her, till her next crisis.
Multiple myeloma is a cancerous condition of the bone marrow. This is
where our RBC, WBC, and platelets are made. As the dyes, parasites, metal,
and bacteria destroy the bone marrow, it is less and less able to keep up with
the demand for blood cells. Holly had malonic acid at the bone marrow. [At
this time we did not know about the risk of getting malonic acid “placed”
into your mouth in the form of non-metal restorations of decayed teeth.]
Holly was on quinidine for her arrhythmia and an antibiotic, preven-
tively, from her heart specialist in the US; in fact her heart was about twice
normal size. She had severe lower back pain, too. But she displayed an imp-
ish smile as if aware she was panicking us.
From her first blood test we could see that her problem in the bone mar-
row was mainly due to vanadium (albumin low, globulin high) and malonic
acid derivatives (low calcium), not so much copper and cobalt. Notice that
the RBC is not elevated, though. The elevation phase is an early one. As the
disease progresses, the bone marrow becomes totally incapable and all cell
types drop, as we see here.
In fact, her water samples tested Negative to copper; yet she was Posi-
tive at her liver and parathyroids. Where was it coming from? We guessed
her amalgam alloy. And she began the removal process.
When she arrived she was all done in. She was being seen at several
other alternative clinics as well as her oncologist at home in California. She
tried to do them all justice, no doubt. And perhaps it was even best, in the
long run, somewhat like a rotation diet, thereby avoiding too much toxicity
from any one food; in her case, health programs.
We took one look at her calcium level (7.9) and started her on an IV of 3
gm calcium, magnesium, B complex, and DMSO to be given twice daily. We
also gave her coenzyme Q10, 3 gm to be taken every third day for 6 doses
and ½ gm daily in between to assist her heart. Also, Lugol’s for her Salmo-
nella and the Bowel Program for Shigella.
Testing at her bone marrow showed TNF Negative; glutathione, reduced
Negative; glutathione, oxidized (useless) Positive (high levels); glutathione
reductase (enzyme that makes reduced glutathione) Negative; patulin Posi-
tive. We supplemented her with glutathione.
We found vanadium and freon in her kitchen dust (refrigerator). Shigella
came from eating unsterilized cheese. She was to be off fruits entirely until
her patulin was gone. The IVs must have given her an immediate lift. She
disappeared without a word. We also guessed the IV therapy was too expen-