result is that your struggling cells will not get the temperature
rise they need.
Your body’s oxidizers will vanish. Oxidation means burning
up by adding an oxygen atom or by subtracting an electron.
Here is an example of oxidizing benzene (which looks simple,
but is very difficult to do in your body).
Each line between the carbon atoms represents two electrons
being shared. Sharing creates a strong bond between them, like
two people holding hands tightly.
Your body has the necessary enzyme to pry apart one of
these strong bonds, and pull out an electron or insert an oxygen
atom. The advantage gained is that the oxidized benzene atom
is more soluble in water (namely urine) and can be excreted
through the kidneys. Oxidation is used to detoxify substances as
well as to burn food into energy. The detoxifying enzymes be-
long to a family called cytochrome P450 enzymes. But they
must have iron to function. If you live in a home with copper
water pipes, the excess copper
in your water is competing
with the iron in your food. It is
well known that iron is lacking
in cancer patients.^22 Other oxi-
dizers like diamine oxidase, D-
amino acid oxidase,^23 rhodi-
zonic acid, and cytochrome C
are also missing. We will dis-
cuss more on oxidation later.
(^22) Sigel, Helmut (ed), Metal Ions In Biological Systems, Carcinogenicity and Metal
Ions, Marcel Dekker, Inc., v. 10, 1980, chapter 5. Foster, M., et. al., Ceruloplasmin
and Iron Transferrin in Human Malignant Disease, pp. 129-66.
(^23) The research states that the dye popularly called DAB can cause this enzyme
depletion. Greenstein, Jesse P., Biochemistry of Cancer, 2nd ed., Academic Press
Inc., 1954, p. 97.
O is an oxygen atom.