He tested positive for copper and vanadium at high levels. Evidently,
there was chronic gas leakage from their utilities, spewing out vanadium;
they were advised to switch to electric utilities in spite of the cost. He would
not soon outgrow this “sensitivity.”
He also had patulin and aflatoxin in the cerebrum (brain) as well as sal-
monella bacteria. This implies a growth of fungus as well as bacteria at the
tumor site.
Malonic acid, too, was built up at the cerebrum, implying a tapeworm
stage. [We did not know about the food source at that time.]
On his first day he was instructed to: (1) go off all items listed on the
isopropyl alcohol list in The Cure For All Cancers. (2) Take a 2 tsp. dose of
black walnut tincture extra strength and 3 capsules of the other herbs, then
(3) zap daily. Repeat herbal program once a week. He was to be re-tested for
ortho-phospho-tyrosine later that day to verify its absence. (4) Take Lugol’s
three times a day, 6 drops in water. (5) Go off all fruit for 2 weeks to elimi-
nate patulin fungus growth in brain. (6) Eat only white bakery bread to
eliminate aflatoxin; no peanut butter. (7) Take coenzyme Q10, 2 gm to kill
tapeworm stages in brain.
Jan 30 initial MRI showing 5 cm brain tumor