that it was long enough to learn the essential change in his lifestyle and envi-
ronment to save his life if he was diligent. And we hoped they might extend
their stay if they got good results.
On his first day, May 6, he was given the parasite killing herbs and co-
enzyme Q10, 3 gm, to be repeated every fourth day. [At that time we were
still not certain of the great importance of glutathione; we only gave him one
500 mg capsule a day.]
His initial toxin test showed he had two salmonella and one shigella va-
rieties invading his body tissues. He had benzene, wood alcohol, isopropyl,
and xylene solvents. He had fiberglass, aluminum, nickel, arsenic, copper,
chlorine, and mercury. And he was full of aflatoxin, the fungal toxin that can
raise the total bilirubin and cause a lethal jaundice. He was taken off grocery
store bread immediately. Malonic acid was Positive, too.
Next day the blood test results arrived. The extremely poor liver func-
tion was apparent in the GGT (574). [And somewhere (in the WBCs) the car-
cinogenic dye DAB had accumulated so much it raised the alk phos to a
wildly high 701. Was he using hair dyes?]
The copper [or germanium ] toxicity was easy to discover; serum iron
was only 24; yet his RBC count was adequate. The calcium level was much
too low—conducive to seeping of body fluids. The total protein was rather
low, probably causing the ascites we could see around the tumor and kid-
neys, although maleic anhydride was probably the real culprit.
Time was most important to them, so we started IV therapy to speed up
the tumor shrinkage. After 2 doses of EDTA to pull out copper we adminis-
tered by IV 3 gm calcium, magnesium, 25 gm vitamin C, 2 vials laetrile,
DMSO, 3 gm cesium chloride, and 1 ampoule vitamin B complex. But the
next day he was Positive for copper again. He was moved to a motel without
copper water pipes. Here rotenone pesticide was often used. He was to re-
quest NO pesticide treatment while there. Rotenone is another very strong
metabolic inhibitor. We planned to watch and test him for it. More EDTA
chelation was used.
In one week, all his dental work was done; we omitted to record in his
file what was done, however. We can only guess that amalgam was taken out
and composite put back in. The blood test showed some improvement (GGT
539), but the alk phos went higher [dyes are used in dental plastic] and the
iron level lower.
Somehow, he continued getting copper, in spite of moving to the
“copper-free” motel. [It was no doubt in his new dental plastic.] Would we
be able to keep ahead of it with our IVs that pulled it out in order to let the
tumor shrink? Calcium had risen, probably from intensive IV therapy.
Nevertheless, tumor activity was stronger than before, in some respect,
since the alk phos was up. The LDH drop, though, was a hopeful sign.
We increased his glutathione to 500 mg, eight a day to help the liver
detoxify everything. He was started on silymarin for the liver also. In spite of
having no appetite, he was asked to drink a cream-shake every day as well as