lemon oil drink accompanied by digestive enzymes (our own formulation),
three with each meal.
By the end of the second week, May 18, he was still frequently Positive
to copper; he had to switch motel rooms again. Rotenone was now showing
up in his liver besides malonic acid at his lymph nodes. Nevertheless, his
appetite had picked up and he was now out walking on the beach. He was
started on taurine and cysteine to detoxify the rotenone. And he was given
caster oil packs to place in the groin area every night, both to ease pain and
provide immune stimulation.
Seven days later, May 25, his fatigue was gone, he was sleeping better.
The pain in his groin was better. Yet there was cobalt at his kidney. He was
still on EDTA and tumor shrinking IVs daily. It was two days before depar-
ture time. What had been accomplished?
A final blood test
showed more improve-
ments. Alk phos came
down substantially. His
cholesterol and triglyc-
erides were improved.
Iron was the highest it
had been, but still much
too low, a testimony to
ongoing copper [or ger-
manium ] toxicity. This
would of course, not go
away if it was in his new
plastic teeth. Our chela-
tions may have kept pace
with this toxicity, but
away from the clinic—
what was in store for
Calcium had come
up a little, but was still
too low, evidence for
continued malonate tox-
icity. Could it be from
the new dentalware? Uric acid was now unmasked and much too low. [We
did not understand Clostridium infections at that time.] We started him on
glutamine to raise it and thereby allow nucleic acids to be made again. The
RBC was good. But the GGT liver enzyme was still dangerously high.
Robert Marcoux
5/6 5/13 5/18 5/27
RBC 4.75 4.36 4.04 4.42
WBC 6,900 5,900 6,800 6,300
PLT 201 162 158 191
glucose 96 152 136 82
BUN 14 12 10 17
creatinine 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.0
AST (SGOT) 25 25 25 25
ALT (SGPT) 32 30 32 35
LDH 147 118 152 134
GGT 574 539 492 517
T.b. 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.0
alk phos 701 729 677 621
T.p. 6.0 5.6 5.0 6.2
albumin 3.9 3.6 3.4 4.0
globulin 2.1 2.0 1.6 2.2
uric acid 4.4 3.4 2.7 2.1
Calcium 8.3 8.6 7.8 8.6
Phosphorus 3.1 3.0 2.5 4.3
Iron 24 16 13 39
Sodium 138 134 136 134
Potassium 4.0 4.2 3.8 4.0
Chloride 103 95 101 100
triglycerides 71 80 60 95
cholesterol 178 164 141 193