do repeated blood tests.
We supplemented her
with glutamine. [We did
not yet understand the
most critical significance
of a low uric acid level–
Clostridium bacteria!]
Potassium was
somewhat low. She was
given potassium gluco-
nate powder to take.
Triglycerides were too
low. She should eat high
fat food, such as avoca-
dos, butter, and cream.
Wendy was a per-
fect example of a patient
given a dismal “terminal” prognosis by her regular doctor, although the
blood test shows a truly healthy person. Only the location of the tumor
makes it life threatening.
For the first eight days she continued to test Positive for copper and
malonic acid. She was still in the process
of dental work. She was given EDTA
powder by mouth to remove it mean-
while. The dentist had found four cavita-
tions, besides, at her four wisdom teeth.
Finally, no metal or urethane (plastic)
could be detected in her brain or any-
where. Her teeth were “empty”, not ex-
tracted (all fillings out, nothing replaced).
But she thrived on her “empty mouth”
status. Her left hand numbness disap-
peared. Her heel pain disappeared. The
tension left her head. Energy was up. And
she just felt better all over. She was get-
ting impatient to have her dentalware put
back! We explained the hazard of using
anything new till full healing was com-
plete. All foreign things seek out a trauma
We were now becoming impatient to
see if her tumor was shrinking. After two
weeks she did a CT brain scan. The tumor
was about half its earlier size of a year
ago. It was now 1.9 x 1.9 cm. It had been
Aug 12 inner white spot with square is
tumor remnant
Wendy Skoglund
RBC 4.49
WBC 6,400
PLT 322
glucose 145
BUN 9 (5-26)
creatinine 0.9
LDH 159
T.b. 0.8
alk phos 69
T.p. 7
albumin 4.7
globulin 2.3
uric acid 2.6 (2.5-
Calcium 9.0
Phosphorus 4.1
Iron 80
Sodium 140
Potassium 3.9
Chloride 106
triglycerides 72
cholesterol 232