Bacteria and Solvents Metals Other Toxins
Salmonella dysenteriae copper (water pipes) aflatoxin
Salmonella paratyphi cobalt CFC
mercury (diapers) malonic acid
isopropyl alcohol
Mycobacterium phlei is considered an innocuous soil bacterium. But I
frequently find it present in brain diseases. It is always present in schizo-
phrenia. Usually, family members and their dog have it also. It can be found
in the dental area, possibly under tooth fillings or in tooth infections, Of
course, Suzanne had neither.
Suzanne’s parents both tested Positive to Mycobacterium phlei, although
there was no family dog. However, relatives had dogs and they would visit
occasionally. Perhaps she had been licked on the face: The parents were ad-
vised not to let the child near a dog.
She was immediately given the herbal parasite treatment and zapped.
Twenty minutes later she was re-tested for ortho-phospho-tyrosine. She was
still Positive. Two and three-quarter hours later she was Negative. They
could go home for one week. The parents were instructed to treat themselves
the same way immediately. The baby’s diet was made safe from reinfection.
The water pipes were to be changed to plastic. The refrigerator was to be
changed. No commercial diapers, or any personal products made of paper
July 15 20 month old with growing lump in neck