Her other toxins were: CFCs, nickel, copper, cobalt, mercury, thallium, alu-
minum, arsenic, and formaldehyde.
She had no patulin or aflatoxin build up. We scheduled a blood test and
ultrasound of breast. Then started her on the current cancer program. The
reasoning was that if she could shrink these tumors she could prevent getting
cancer in them, and be spared the family fate.
Her program consisted of: starting freon removal, changing water pipes
to plastic, doing the parasite program, taking coenzyme Q10, taking glu-
tathione, taking Lugol’s iodine, once a day for prevention of Salmonella in-
vasion, replacing metal in teeth with plastic, sticking to the malonate-free
diet, and stopping all supplements unless she could test them for copper,
cobalt, vanadium, and the M-family (ours were already tested).
Of course, she would change her refrigerator to a non-freon variety. She
was very interested in cause and effect relationships, so she planned to learn
the technique of testing in order to protect herself from breast cancer in the
The hardness in her breasts was quite easy to feel. The ultrasound
showed fibrous masses throughout both breasts, the right side being more
extensively involved. They should all go away, leaving the breast soft. She
was eager to start.
Two days later, we reviewed the blood test with her. The early stages of
cobalt and malonate toxicity are clearly present: globulin is too low and cal-
cium is too low also. The damage from copper and vanadium is not yet visi-
The RBC, WBC, and platelet count are perfectly normal showing that
the toxins have not yet reached the bone marrow where these cells are made.
Blood sugar (glucose) is extremely low, showing she was using it up much
Aug 20 ultrasound of breast