too fast without getting the energy benefit from it. This is characteristic of
tumor disease. Triglycerides, another fuel, are also low. This would explain
her general fatigue. The BUN is still unaffected. The LDH is still normal,
below 160, showing the absence of dye buildup and aggressive tumor activ-
ity. Alk phos, which also reflects dye buildup and tumor activity, is low, too.
Total protein, which is the sum of albumin and globulin, is completely nor-
mal, but the globulin is a little too low. This is caused by cobalt in the liver.
It agrees with the finding of cobalt in the initial toxin test. Calcium should be
9.1 to 9.6. Low levels are caused by toxins, such as malonate in the parathy-
roids, one of its earliest toxic actions; perhaps it simply chelates out our
valuable calcium. Potassium is too low. Perhaps this is due to vanadium.
Vanadium is known to displace potassium, but the evidence is not yet clear.
It could also be low due to insufficient potassium pump action by the tissues
and a subsequent loss through the kidneys to keep the ratio between inside
and outside of tissues correctly balanced. The thyroid, too, plays a role in
potassium usage. For the present, we must be content to supplement potas-
sium, since this is known to stimulate respiratory metabolism and could help
the tumor tissue to normalize.
She was given the following supplements:
- Vitamin D to raise the phosphate level to 3.
- Potassium gluconate powder.
- Vitamin B 12.
- Folic acid, 1 mg, 25 a day. It would be easier to take a single 25 mg
tablet, but that is not available. It takes 25 mg to team up with vita-
min B 12 to begin to detoxify all the malonic acid and its derivatives
in the body. Even this amount cannot keep up with detoxifying
malonic acid if it is eaten as food or constantly being sucked on in
the mouth (dental plastic). The cancer patient has a huge deficit of
these two nutrients. Chemotherapeutic agents frequently are “anti-
folate” compounds, intended to kill cancer cells. Our approach is
not one of killing tumor cells; it is one of removing the factors that
stimulate these cells to abnormal growth rates and repairing their
metabolism so they begin to make their normal metabolites again
(differentiation). - Vitamin C.
- Biotin 1 mg once a day to repair the body’s ability to utilize malonic
acid in fat metabolism (this is hypothetical).
Lorene did her best to get rid of cobalt from her life style, at one point
even finding a trace in a blue T-shirt and blue jeans (detergent residue). She
carried her own dishes and glasses to avoid detergent washed ones. She
cooked only at home. To no avail. The situation got worse instead of better.
She was testing Positive for more, not less, malonic acid derivatives al-
though she had stopped eating any. And now she was showing copper again,