He related that he had been on my parasite program about three weeks
and also on an Essiac program for three months. He had been zapping for
about one month. He asked in bewilderment why these treatments hadn’t
worked since he had done them very conscientiously. It was quite painful for
me to point out to him, “Denny, your mouth is full of carcinogenic metal and
plastic; you are sucking on it day and night. It goes to your bone marrow,
thyroid, parathyroid, liver, spleen; it fills up your body so your glands can’t
function. You don’t have a tumor anywhere—your doctors have already
searched. But you are toxic with those things that cause tumors. Cancer pa-
tients die from these things, not from tumors!”
He gave the correct response to this explanation, saying “I am dying,
then, not from my cancer?” I agreed, “You are sent home to die from those
things that cause tumors, not the tumors themselves. And we know what
these things are. It is not difficult to get rid of them. But you need to hurry.”
He danced out of his chair with eagerness to hurry. But first he was informed
about his blood test results (Sept. 30).
The RBC was much too high, due to either cobalt or vanadium toxicity.
In his case it was cobalt; it was very high in his bone marrow where red
blood cells are made. The source would most certainly be his metal and
plastic teeth. First priority was to get all metal and plastic out of his mouth;
first the metal, then the plastic. We would not use IVs unless he didn’t make
good progress.
Lungs hazy with “water” and heart enlarged. (Extra markings are
scratches on negative.)
Jun 5 X-ray three months ago