well now, in spite of his abdominal distention. He was not coughing. He was
halfway through his dental clean-up. We were removing metal first.
By October 11, all metal was out of his mouth, at least we thought so.
His abdominal distention was now much less and he was in less pain. Yet his
blood test did not show the drop in RBC to be expected when all toxic cobalt
and vanadium are gone! Had a bit of metal been overlooked?
Using an emery board, each remaining tooth was rubbed, followed by
testing for copper, cobalt, vanadium, and the M-family. Three teeth still had
cobalt! One had vanadium! And one had maleic acid! This single tooth
would be the source of maleic anhydride which was causing the liquid es-
cape (ascites) into the abdomen. Evidently the tooth scraping was a more
sensitive detection means than simply searching for these toxins in the bone
marrow or lungs, as we had been doing.
Denny was sent back to the dentist for a repeat metal cleaning. Maybe
this time it would all come out. There was very little change in his blood test
results. On October 17, his saliva was still Positive for copper, too, although
he was staying at the environmentally safe motel. We repeated his tooth fil-
ings. He must still have metals and maleic acid somewhere in them!
The painful truth had to be accepted. His plastic fillings contained the
copper, cobalt and vanadium or were covering up remnants of metal. There
was only one option: to remove all his plastic fillings, too. His abdominal
ascites and pain would not leave permanently without it.
Removing plastic was even more difficult than removing metal because
remnants are much harder to see.
By October 29, all four quadrants of his mouth had been reworked, re-
moving every bit of synthetic restoration ever placed. Meanwhile, his waist
size had increased by two inches and he was most uncomfortable. His ankles
were still swollen. They should have slenderized in spite of being off diu-
retic. We searched at his kidneys for the explanation.
Malonic acid Positive at kidney. Methyl malonate Positive at kidney
(this is known for its kidney toxicity). Maleic anhydride Positive at kidney
(known to cause seepage and edema). Cobalt and vanadium Positive at bone
There was only one conclusion possible: there was still plastic in his
teeth even after all the dental searching. It could not be found or removed by
a dentist. (We had sent him to three, including one who used a microscope
attachment for precision viewing. It just couldn’t be done.) [Now we use
digital X-rays.]
The blood test of November 4 reflected it for the sixth time: the red
blood cell count stayed much too high and globulin stayed too high. Iron
stayed low and triglycerides were too low.
The only solution was to extract the teeth that had had the plastic fill-
ings. He wanted to do this at home, in Canada, where the comforts of wife
and familiar surroundings would lessen his stress.