cies in cancer patients, my new interpretation was “lack of arginine and gly-
cine to make creatine which makes creatinine.” Or “lack of methionine
which makes SAM.” If creatinine isn’t being made, you know creatine isn’t
present, and creatine becomes muscle “food”. Perhaps this explains the fa-
tigue that is so devastating in tumor-bearing people.
We eat creatine straight when we eat meat, fowl, or fish. To get Mark’s
creatine up quickly, we gave him the pure compound to take: 1 tsp. a day.
The calcium was quite low, as was phosphate. When phosphate is below
3 mg/dl, there is a vitamin D shortage. This was understandable since vita-
min D is activated in the kidneys, and the kidneys were part of Mark’s cancer
The low LDH was a nice surprise, along with the low alk phos. [His
composites were not shedding azo dyes significantly.]
The liver enzymes, too, were exceptionally good (low)! In addition to
the parasite program, Lugol’s, kidney program, Mark was started on potas-
sium gluconate powder even though his potassium level was not seriously
low; it would certainly help.
The Chinese herb, Yunnan paiyao, was given to stop bleeding. And nia-
cin, 100 mg, three times a day to make sure he had enough NAD and NADP
to help his body’s enzymes work.
Altogether, there was no serious deterioration in his health. Recovery
should be fairly simple. Should be, that is.
By now, the fall of 1996, we had already learned that dental plastic both
contained and was polluted with carcinogens. We had begun sampling the
artificial teeth in each patient’s mouth for testing purposes.
Only five of Mark’s new plastic teeth were found to be free of copper,
cobalt, vanadium and the M-family toxins. They had all been put in only two
weeks ago! Now most of them must come out again.
A week later, he still had not begun his plastic removal. In the meantime
the bleeding had stopped, leading him to think that all was well again and he
might not need to make such heroic efforts.
And the second blood test, Oct. 29, showed minor improvements, sup-
porting his idea. Creatinine had come up, the LDH had dropped a bit, liver
enzymes were better, and calcium and phosphate had risen.
Fig. 47 requirements for creatine
arginine+glycine+SAM creatine (muscle food)
creatinine (waste)