12, he went for the
bladder ultrasound.
There it was in a
magnified view,
measuring 2.50 cm.
He decided to extend
his stay.
Even after his
second dental plastic
removal he still
tested Positive for
copper, urethane,
and vanadium in the
This was just at
the time we discov-
ered urethane in a
supplement’s gelatin
capsules—the capsules themselves. We stopped all his capsules of supple-
ments: he was requested to use bulk supplies only. Toxic components of
plastic still showed their effect in the blood test on Nov. 13. Although the
RBC had come down nicely, iron and calcium had dropped, too.
This implies the continued presence of copper [and germanium ] and
malonic acid. But where from? In desperation, our entire toxin test of 80
elements was done at kidneys and bladder. Only one extra toxin was found,
thulium. It was present at kidneys, bladder, and parathyroids. And we knew
just where to look for it. In his vitamin C. Indeed, he was using up an old
supply of vitamin C, not procured from our specially-tested stock. [What we
did not know is that lanthanides including thulium are regular components
of amalgam.]
Now his ankles were beginning to show a minor edema. But all his pain
was gone. He slept well. He was still passing a trace of blood in his urine.
On November 18, there was again clear evidence of leftover dental plas-
tic. The RBC was too high; the calcium level was down further.
A full mouth series X-ray was tried to find bits of leftover metal or plas-
tic. Instead, several molars and one upper front tooth appeared to have large
infections! Was this the clue? They were extracted immediately, and healing
went well. But no dental plastic was seen in them.
A week later, Nov. 25, we studied the nucleic acid bases and amino ac-
ids in his bladder. The results were dismal.
Adenine Negative xanthine oxidase Nega-
glycine Negative
xanthine Negative transferrin Negative arginine Positive
guanosine Negative DNA Negative glutamic acid Negative
inosine Negative RNA Negative glutamine Positive
Nov 12 bladder tumor shows up on magni-
fied ultrasound