uridine Negative lysine Negative ornithine Positive
thymidine Negative aspartic Negative
He was requested to eat one can of sardines a day (for nucleic acid
bases). He was also given: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine. This proved
to be insufficient to make them appear at his kidneys so amounts were dou-
Cobalt and copper were still showing up regularly. (We could have IV-
ed them out with EDTA, but this would give a false sense of security; I ad-
vised against it.)
There was only one conclusion to be reached—another remnant of plas-
tic was present that had escaped all the dentists so far.
We sent him back to the dentist whose dental microscope and painstak-
ing procedure would surely give him the final cleanup so much needed this
time. He had only one week left before his second plane reservation.
After this final “microscopic” cleaning, we expected to see a little im-
provement on his blood test, but we were astonished to see his results (Dec.
2) were completely
normal! The RBC,
calcium, phosphate,
and iron were all
correct. He now
tested Negative for
copper, cobalt, vana-
dium, all five ma-
lonates, and urethane,
at last. Was he ready
to go home?
Suddenly, a trace
of bright red blood
showed up in his
stool! We had not
paid attention to the
small tumor seen in
his colon on his original CT scan. What was it doing? His dental partials
were made, tested, and fitted fine. His fatigue was gone. He had slightly
swollen ankles. We advised him to have the colon checked to see if there
was anything suspicious on the inside. But it was not done.
Bladder tumor has shrunk to 1.45x1.1 cm