other. RNA was found to be present in all organs tested, but was normally
missing in kidney and bladder. Why was there no RNA detected in the kid-
ney and bladder? Is this normal or sick? Is it also absent in young people?
These questions are not yet answered. But it seemed safe to assume that it is
normal and healthy to be able to detect RNA in every organ except kidney
and bladder.
But DNA was only present for 20 seconds out of each minute, and at
rather low levels. Except in the ovary where it was present constantly. Even
though every cell has DNA in its nucleus, it is bound to protein here most of
the time. Our test-DNA was not bound to protein, a different electronic entity
from the body’s DNA. Being post-menopausal didn’t seem to matter; DNA
was still Positive at the ovary. Would it also be present in the testes of a
male? We called Paul to help us discover the facts.
The test set for organs begins with adrenals and ends with uterus. When
we got to liver, the circuit resonated. Several repeats gave the same answer.
Paul had DNA, evidently unbound to protein, in his liver. Was that signifi-
cant? Did it portend a malignancy? A growth? We continued testing in si-
When we got to the prostate, the circuit resonated again. And again at
the testes slide. We repeated these several times; there was no mistake. Did
this imply a tumor or a malignancy at the prostate too? Or neither?
Paul assured us that he had no difficulty urinating, did not have to get up
at night to visit the bathroom, and had no indigestion from a possible liver
Not wishing to alarm him over nothing, we scheduled a CT scan of the
liver and ultrasound of the prostate for him. We would pay the bills if he did
it immediately. We confessed our suspicion of some problem. Perhaps only
metabolic as yet.
Being conscientious and very appreciative of our concern for his health,
he did both scans promptly.
The prostate did indeed have a problem. It was much too large, so that it
pushed into the bladder (large white area) above it. Furthermore, the wall of
the prostate was not perfectly smooth; it was rough.
And at one edge, close to the 10 o’clock + sign and just above it, a tiny
portion of the wall was missing. The missing portion appears white.
(Remember, this would be black on the negative.) This small white nubbin is
a small nodule, a tumor; this is what the DNA test was trying to tell us.
No tumors could be seen in the liver. A small nodule there could easily
be missed by a CT scan, though. Even if there was none, there was a poten-
tial for one, implied by the DNA result.
The next question was “Is the prostate tumor malignant?” Ortho-
phospho-tyrosine was tested next. It was Negative at the liver and testes, but
Positive at the prostate. It was malignant. Paul was eager to correct his ways.
He started the parasite killing program immediately and zapped. He prom-
ised to drink no more bottled water, soda pop, or commercial fruit juice.