
(pavlina) #1

young man not stop drinking pop if it was harmful in such an important way?
We apologized. Then sent him out for a new ultrasound of the prostate. In
two hours he had the negative in his hands.
The tiny nodule
was gone. The radi-
ologist could not see
Summary: Si-
lently this tiny ma-
lignant nodule came,
and silently it went.
Only the ultrasound
knows the story. But
Paul rose in our es-
teem by many feet
that day. A common
laborer he was, but
with uncommon in-

42 Victoria Boelman Breast Cancer

Victoria Boelman, age thirty, arrived in December. She had breast can-
cer and was pregnant. It was called “infiltrating ductal carcinoma.” Her
doctor at home had recommended a modified radical mastectomy plus che-
motherapy. What would happen to the fetus? No one knew. She had started
herself on the parasite program one week before arriving. And she had al-
ready gotten rid of isopropyl alcohol so her tumor was no longer producing
ortho-phospho-tyrosine, my marker for malignancy. But she still had ben-
zene, wood alcohol, aflatoxin, patulin, D-malic acid, and maleic anhydride
accumulation according to the whole body test. She also had freon, asbestos,
aluminum, copper, mercury, and thallium. And the bacteria, Shigella sonnei,
and Staphylococcus aureus. Urethane and bisphenol-A, plastic toxins, were
appearing at the breast, too.
We ordered an ultrasound of the left breast and armpit. The tumor was
3.25 x 1.4 cm.
Her mouth was full of medium size amalgam fillings, fourteen in all and
some plastic.

Feb 17 Nodule in prostate wall is gone
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