regular style. Ten days later she announced that all metal was out of her
mouth. A new blood test should prove this fact and was ordered.
Certainly, the WBC was lower and more normal. But the BUN and cre-
atinine were still blocked. And the uric acid, becoming unmasked by her new
procedures, indicated hordes of bacteria were still present.
The calcium level had come up and the phosphate with it, showing that
the parathyroid was free of toxins at last and could make parathyroid hor-
mone again.
A quick check at the breast and liver tissues showed glutamic acid and
glutamine were Negative. Ornithine and arginine were Negative, too! With-
out ornithine and arginine, urea (BUN) cannot be made. Without glutamine,
purines cannot be made. Without glutamic acid, glutamine cannot be made.
Where had they all disappeared to? After all, she had taken these supple-
ments that very day. A supplement check was ordered, to make sure she had
them all and was taking them all. She was. Could some factor(s) in her plas-
tic teeth impede progress?
DNA testing showed it was still present at the breast, as it must be when
bacteria are turning RNA into DNA nonstop. I decided to search through my
entire bacteria collection (the slides) for any clues to the responsible varie-
Five clostridium species, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Staphylococcus
aureus were all still present at the breast. The clostridium family of bacteria,
as well as some Lactobacillus varieties can make DNA from our RNA. The
staphylococcus bacteria implied dental infection. The dentist had pointed out
to her that three out of four wisdom teeth pulled a long time ago appeared to
have cavitations left behind. These would house staphylococcus bacteria.
She had acquired an enlarged lymph node under her chin just recently,
testimony to the streams of bacteria and toxins flowing from the mouth. And
to the spread of these dangerous bacteria. Time was important. But she was
reluctant to proceed with plastic removal. It was now December 23. Her
family and friends wanted her home for Christmas. How would she look? So
the plastic cleanup was delayed.
She returned January 3. Her first task was to see the special dentist for
plastic removal by air abrasion.
When she returned from the dental visit, the breast still had all the ma-
lonates accumulated as before. A quick check showed copper, cobalt, vana-
dium Positive too. Had the dentist missed something?
Only two clostridium and one lactobacillus variety were still at the
breast. Salmonella was also Positive at the breast. Others were Negative.
Some progress had been made, but not enough. Unless the malonates and
metals were removed from the teeth with meticulous care, the bacteria could
not be eradicated. She was sent back to the same dental specialist to search
At her next visit, January 6, the results were good: copper, cobalt, vana-
dium, five malonates, urethane, bisphenol were all Negative at the breast. All