
(pavlina) #1

light up with the prospect of life. She seemed resigned to her fate. We would
have to pull her from the depths, not just throw her a life belt. Her family, at
home, was totally against this, she said. They didn’t want to spend the family
assets on her wild grasping-at-straws. And we would need to work very
quickly, before her sudden collapse.

We must avoid massive infection at her lungs. Would there be bleeding
on a grand scale when the tumors pulled away from the thin pleura, as we
had seen so often for large tumors?
Initial electronic testing at the lung showed 5 clostridium species, Lac-
tobacillus acidophilus, E. coli, 3 salmonella varieties, Staphylococcus
aureus, Shigella flexneri all Positive. Maybe Shigella flexneri was taking its
toll on her mood; it is a depression-causing bacterium.
When so many bacteria are present, I expect a lot of growth factors to be
abnormally present also. In her lungs the Syncrometer found Ca 72-4, CAA-
B antigen, CAA-O antigen, alfa fetoprotein (AFP), fibroblast growth factor
(FGF) very high, epidermal growth factor (EGF) very high, platelet derived

Dec 31 about 200 closely packed small tumors (small white
areas) in the lungs
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