growth factor (PDGF), CAA-GI, and insulin-like growth factor (ILGF). In all
cases I find these are gone when the bacteria are gone!
Four amino acids were tested at the lung with these results (they should
all be present): glutamic acid Positive, arginine Negative, glutamine Nega-
tive, ornithine Negative.
Lactoferrin was Negative at breast, liver, and bone marrow; it should
have been Positive.
Her blood test was exceptionally good and belied her tumor-ridden
lungs. Her good health and youthfulness would now be called upon to make
success possible.
Neither LDH nor alk phos was elevated [showing that damage from the
azo dyes in food, hair dyes, or dental plastic had not occurred]. The liver
was still exceptionally good. But anemia was prominent and creatinine was
too low. The low creatinine implied there was not enough arginine or methyl
groups or glycine. Calcium and potassium were low. But her body was still
well nourished.
She had been on iron tablets daily when she arrived, no doubt responsi-
ble for the excellent iron level. But it was not getting to the bone marrow to
build RBCs due to absence of transferrin.
Dec 12 CT scan shows many tumors