She was started on a daily enema using black walnut tincture extra
strength to reduce the bacterial levels in the bowel, thereby reducing them
She was told to drink raw milk, boiled 10 seconds and vitamin C-ed, to
provide lactoferrin. [More recently, in this 21-day cancer program, no milk
is allowed, to avoid any possible errors in selection or treatment.] This was
in addition to the usual program of parasite killing, coenzyme Q10, glu-
tathione, Lugol’s, and other supplements.
She thought she was allergic to iodine, so peroxide was tried for dental
sterilization instead of Lugol’s. Her mouth was full of large fillings; she
would need a lot of extractions. Later she was given homemade colloidal
silver to take during dental-work days; it was definitely superior to peroxide.
[This was before our trial of diluted USP bleach, which turned out to work
the best.]
By her third day, she had extracted three teeth, but she was still Positive
for DNA at the lungs. She also had maleic anhydride there, starting liquid
effusion and water accumulation. And, of course, still mercury and nickel.
After one week, she had six teeth extracted by our oral surgeon. Imme-
diately after this, her chest began hurting. Would this lead to bleeding, per-
haps hemorrhaging’? But we dared not slow down since time was racing her.
In spite of this, DNA and the p53 gene mutation were still Positive at the
lungs. Three clostridium bacteria were still Positive at the lung and one clos-
tridium (septicum), was still Positive at the tooth location. Clostridium was
also present at the parathyroids, as was the p53 gene mutation. [The parathy-
roids are always targeted in cancer cases; this was pointed out by Dr. Wm.
Koch nearly a century ago.] Suspicion that parathyroids are involved occurs
when calcium is too low.
Amino acids were tested. Phenylalanine was Negative at liver, lung,
lymph nodes, breast, parathyroid, and thyroid. Phenylalanine is always pres-
ent in our tissues in health. Why was it absent? Tyrosine, its closest cousin,
was tested next. It was positive at all these locations. Evidently phenyla-
lanine could convert to tyrosine, but not the other way around. Was the en-
zyme that converts tyrosine back to phenylalanine inhibited? She was taken
off dairy and meat products entirely to reduce phenylalanine in her diet. This
would keep tyrosine from building up. By now, Clostridium was eliminated
from the tooth location, though it was still present at the colon.
How could we get rid of Clostridium in her intestine? She was started on
the bowel program. [At that time we had not discovered the magic of betaine
and hydrochloric acid.]
Her next blood test, done January 15, showed significant improvement
in the RBC; she was less anemic. Creatinine was up to normal. She had been
taking arginine (and ornithine) daily. Her uric acid level had fallen, revealing
throngs of clostridium bacteria remaining. By making more RBCs, her iron
level had dropped from 100 to 36, but then was unable to raise her iron level
back to normal because of copper [or germanium ] toxicity.