your tissues cannot heal. Healing requires vitamin C. So not only did Jessie
have pain in her joints, they could not heal! Bacteria can easily move around
in your body, traveling from one pain location to another by swimming along
in the blood. For Jessie, the clue was her painful teeth. From small colonies
here, they could spread to any other location in her body that would let them
gain a foothold—such as her frequently traumatized joints.
Jessie knew she had infected teeth—they were aching! But somehow
this straightforward logic was easier to apply here at our clinic than by her-
self at home surrounded by dentists wishing to “restore” rather than extract
teeth. A panoramic X-ray revealed the abscesses. But should she extract?
Was there no other way? Couldn’t she just try to zap the bacteria? Then a
new development drove away any hesitation. When she arrived, she listed a
lumpy armpit as one of her symptoms. One lump felt elongated and was
about 1 inch long. Was it anything to worry about since both armpits had
been “lumpy” for years?
We searched for tumors immediately. Within five minutes we had found
that our DNA test was Positive at her lymph nodes and breast. She indeed
had been growing tumors in both places! We scheduled a CT scan immedi-
ately, since an ultrasound could miss a very tiny tumor. (On the other hand, a
CT scan can miss something that an ultrasound can catch, too.)
Jan 14 CT scan shows an “adenoma”