Afterwards we reviewed it together. The radiologist had marked it,
measured it, and called it an adenoma. A frightening word! Arthritis could
certainly take second place to beginning cancer.
To her surprise, our method of stopping tumor growth was also largely
dental. In this case, it was clostridium bacteria hiding away under tooth fill-
ings. The connection was rational. If tooth-infecting bacteria could also make
DNA inside our cells, the infection must be cleared in a permanent way, not
left to chance. Step one was to extract infected teeth (not repair them and
hope they would not reinfect). Off she went to the dental surgeon.
These are her notes:
“January 14, ex-
tracted three teeth with
large fillings showing
bacteria-lines at the base,
going into the teeth.
(When they reach the
nerve they hurt.)
“January 22, ex-
tracted two painful, dying
teeth showing bacterial
Between these dates,
Jessie hot-packed her
face for hours each day,
swished with hot water,
brushed with white io-
dine, and suddenly be-
came more limber. She surprised herself, getting up from a chair rather
quickly now, since she was focused on her armpit and breast, not her hip and
She was also hot-packing her armpit and taking the full regimen of sup-
plements aimed at shrinking tumors. She was determined to win this new
kind of game, in dead-earnest.
She also needed to remove plastic fillings, unheard of in her experience.
Yet, she could hear the “positive” test results as we checked her for copper,
cobalt, malonates, urethane, and bisphenol-A. Bisphenol-A, a component of
composite, is described as “estrogenic”, meaning ‘going to the breast’! It was
going to her breast. And the conclusion was only logical. Take it out. She
went to see the special dentist who did air-abrasion. If a minute speck of
metal was exposed at the bottom of the plastic filling, it, too, could be
abraded out. But it requires dexterity.
It was Saturday, January 25, and a new problem surfaced. Tooth #9 now
had a big hole on the back side. She did not care to refill it for fear of making
the tumor grow. It really ought to be extracted since it was simply too dam-
Dental periapical X-ray shows decay
under fillings