was absent, nucleoside vanadyl complexes were Positive. (The complexes
are only made if vanadium is present.) Were the vanadyl complexes causing
interference with nucleic acid regulation? Or were there some unknown
bacteria present? Ascaris infection brought to mind Bacteroides fragilis, a
bacterium that also builds up in the liver. We would test. Bacteroides fragilis
Negative at the brain. Could it be a Coxsackie virus, always found with
Bacteroides? We would test. Coxsackie Virus B4, Positive, and very high!
We had found a missing link in the whole chain of events. The bacteria
had been killed but the viruses lived on. Probably they had given the picture
of encephalitis to her first doctors. Perhaps the DPT shot had allowed hy-
bridization of the clostridium bacteria or lowered her immunity in other
ways. Perhaps not. Steroid treatment afterward may have had some counter-
productive effects too, but it was the best that could be done at the time.
Still, what was the source of the nucleoside vanadyl complexes? Was
this the “trigger” for the virus? Triggers for other viruses are well known.
Peanuts and other foods can trigger Herpes viruses. Cigarette smoke can
trigger cold viruses. Was this vanadium connection keeping her Coxsackie
virus activated and multiplying? [We have since seen that the plastic used as
shunts for the brain and as permanently implanted catheters shed vana-
It was their last day,
March 14. Vanadyl com-
plexes were still testing
Positive at the brain, al-
though the Coxsackie vi-
ruses (both B1 and B4)
were now Negative. Could
the vanadium source be car
exhaust inhaled while
crossing the US-Mexican
border daily amidst a sea of
traffic? There had been
chronic car problems at
home; could chronic pollu-
tion at home have sensi-
tized her to vanadyl com-
plex damage? The nucleic
acids were still not cor-
rectly regulated, they tested
the same as before.
They had several
chores to attend to immedi-
ately when they got home
to Australia.
2/3 2/17 2/28 3/11
RBC 4.65 4.78 4.65 4.64
WBC 9,300 8,000 5,200 3,900
PLT 238 298 272 270
glucose 88 103 79 73
BUN 11 6.0 13 9.0
creatinine 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6
AST (SGOT) 43 32 37 38
ALT (SGPT) 28 26 25 18
LDH 170 174 170 154
GGT 20 21 29 22
T.b. 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.4
alk phos 273 353 346 307
T.p. 6.7 7.1 6.9 6.8
albumin 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.7
globulin 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.1
uric acid 2.1 0.6 0.5 1.0
Calcium 9.5 9.4 8.5 8.7
Phosphorus 4.9 3.7 4.0 4.9
Iron 114 83 137 88
Sodium 142 139 140 137
Potassium 5.5 4.9 3.7 3.9
Chloride 106 102 104 99
triglycerides 136 103 69 34
cholesterol 222 214 230 256