search the spleen.
Albumin was still
high; but the uric
acid level was now
normal; calcium
was back to nor-
mal; iron was being
properly utilized.
A small clue
came from his
eosinophil count
(not shown), 4%.
This is slightly
high, implying As-
caris worms. Wil-
liam had a dog at
home so he was
probably quite in-
fested when he
arrived. He would
not be able to have
a house pet again, being much too susceptible to Ascaris parasitism.
We checked for the presence of Ascaris. There they were, in his Peyer’s
patches and appendix. (Peyer’s patches are lymph nodes in the small intes-
Then we searched the spleen for evidence of amalgam tattoos in his
mouth. We found that, too. Copper, cobalt, vanadium, vanadyl complexes,
and mercury were all Positive at the spleen.
He was instructed to do a high-dose of the parasite killing herbs: 8 tsp.
black walnut tincture extra strength plus another 8 tsp. an hour later.
William was put on cysteine to “mop up” dead Ascaris worms, and in
another week this could have been accomplished. He also had some tattoo
searching to do. But it was not to be. He left for his job at home. He did
promise to follow up in three months, and we look forward to seeing him.
Summary: It is always tempting to blame “bad” behavior on the patient
if he or she is adult and “in control”. Yet William’s case clearly shows he
was not in control. Parasites, bacteria, and metals were.
3/3 3/18 3/27 4/1 4/6
RBC 4.89 5.02 5.48 5.1 5.24
WBC 6.3 8.7 7.7 6.9 6.0
PLT 242 317 348 312 254
glucose 87 99 76 79 97
BUN 11 13 9 12 15
Apr 7 brain tissue appears normal now