Rhodanese Negative at cerebrum (should be positive to detoxify cho-
lesterol derivatives). 20-methylcholanthrene Positive at cerebrum (mutagenic
cholesterol derivative). Glutathione, reduced, Negative at cerebrum. Without
reduced glutathione (and reduced iron), rhodanese isn’t made and 20-
methylcholanthrene can’t be detoxified into the thiocyanate derivative.
What was happening at the spleen, bone marrow, and liver?
at spleen bone marrow liver
rhodanese N N N
There was considerable body depletion of this enzyme.
glutathione N N N (also very de-
20-methylcholanthrene N P P
But 20-methylcholanthrene was only accumulating at bone marrow and
liver. This whole picture suggested a beginning tumor in the brain; her mem-
ory problem might not be simply dementia or Alzheimer’s. We requested an
MRI of the brain.
She was instructed to do a high-dose parasite treatment (10 tsp. of black
walnut tincture extra strength, plus 9 capsules cloves and 9 capsules worm-
wood). She was now started on the regular cancer program of supplements,
including Lugol’s iodine to prevent Salmonella invasion. All the plastic-
filled teeth were to be extracted, since the holes would be too large after
plastic was removed. They were eager to comply and checked into the envi-
ronmentally safe motel, eating meals at the malonate-free restaurant.
Her first blood test
showed no abnormality
except a high RBC, im-
plying cobalt or vana-
dium toxicity.
Two days later, her
isopropyl alcohol was
On March 31, she
got her CT scan of the
brain. The abnormal tis-
sue was easy to spot. The
side view, not shown,
showed where it was
pressing against the skull.
Several frames of the top
view showed how the
new growth was begin-
ning to push the midline
over to the left. The tri-
angle of abnormal look-
Mar 31 abnormal brain tissue indicates
beginning tumor