ing tissue at lower right corner could be the beginning of a tumor.
We didn’t know whether to be happy or sad; happy to have found it for
Maxine so early; sad that it wasn’t merely a dementia affecting her. They
took the news in an accepting manner.
By April 1, thirteen teeth had been extracted. She was immediately more
alert. But DNA and p53 were still Positive at the cerebrum. Cobalt and va-
nadyl complexes were still Positive. Glutathione and rhodanese were still
Negative. Thyroid was added to her regimen, 2 grains daily.
Two days later, all her extractions were done. Her new test results at the
brain showed:
Bacteria Pyrimidine Bases Purine Bases
Lactobacillus acidophilus Negative
Lactobacillus casei Negative
Rhizobium meliloti Negative
Rhizobium leguminosarum Posi-
tive (implies Ascaris presence)
uridine Positive
cytidine Positive
thymidine Positive
thymidine triphos-
phate Negative
adenine Positive
guanosine Positive
xanthine Positive
inosine Negative
Other “Bad Guys” Other “Good Guys”
DNA Negative
20-methylcholanthrene Negative
vanadyl complexes Positive (there
must still be remnants of dental
material or another source of va-
p53 Positive
(still getting muta-
glutathione Positive
RNA Positive
rhodanese Positive
In spite of this good news—no more tumor growth (DNA) in the brain—
she was much disheartened that she still had bits of amalgam or composite
left in her mouth. She wanted to let her mouth heal a bit more before
searching for them. Perhaps by waiting, they would just go away.
We waited five days. On April 8, a repeat test showed: mercury Positive
at brain; silver Positive at brain. Only amalgam (a tattoo) could be responsi-
ble for these.
Rhizobium leguminosarum Positive. The presence of this tumor-causing
bacterium implicates left-over Ascaris parasites. They were tested next. As-
caris eggs Positive at brain, intestine, gall bladder, bile ducts. Other Ascaris
stages Negative. [At that time we had not yet perfected our cysteine/ozonated
oil treatment for sheltered parasite eggs. Nor had we found the universal
source of reinfection: raw greens and vegetables.] We tried the 10 tsp. dose
of black walnut tincture extra strength plus cloves and wormwood again.
Within hours, all tests for Ascaris stages, their bacteria, and viruses were
Negative. But even after three consecutive days of this treatment, Ascaris
eggs reappeared at the bone marrow and spleen. Only eggs! And promptly,
Adenovirus and Rhizobium leguminosarum reappeared also. We tried several
doses of Levamisole, an exceptionally good drug for killing roundworms. By
then the eggs had already hatched in the bone marrow. Soon they were also