in the gallbladder; the
liver was doing its
job to gather them in
and try to kill them.
On April 13, she
was scheduled for
tattoo removal. On
April 17, she arrived,
triumphantly holding
a little bag with cot-
ton gauze holding a
collection of tattoos.
The oral surgeon had
finally found them!
Not one—but a half
We waited two
days to see if metal or
parasite eggs would
return. They did not.
Perhaps healing of
the brain tissue was excluding them now. We scheduled her second CT scan.
On April 24 she arrived with her new scan,
apprehensive and hopeful.
The news was all good; no trace of the ab-
normal tissue remained. It was gone. The midline
was absolutely straight. She could go home. A
final check showed there was still mercury pres-
ent. Her last blood test showed there were still
bacteria (too low uric acid). (She had three other
blood tests during her stay, but none of them are
shown because there was nothing else abnormal
on them.) But Maxine’s time was up. We would
put her on some cysteine; perhaps this would de-
toxify the mercury and slow down its accumula-
tion in the brain. [This was our beginning cysteine
treatment from which we learned its Ascaris kill-
ing ability.]
Summary: A few weeks later, we heard
from her daughter-in-law that she had gained
some weight and was getting better. She was
happy with her new teeth. Her memory had not
improved significantly, though. Perhaps other
things could be tried, now, such as a vasodilator
(niacin) and herbs known to improve mental
Apr 24 normal brain tissue, straight
Maxine Naire
RBC 5.1
WBC 7.2
PLT 280
glucose 135
BUN 12
creatinine 0.9
LDH 98
GGT 12
alk phos 85
T.p. 7.4
albumin 4.5
globulin 2.9
uric acid 3.3
Calcium 8.7
Phosphorus 3.9
Iron 101
Sodium 144
Potassium 3.9
Chloride 107
triglycerides 156
cholesterol 230