function. At least she has time now to improve. They deserved it.
50 Bruce Engevik Prostate & Bone Cancer
Bruce Engevik, fifty-five-ish, was a tall,
handsome man who normally kept a twinkle in
his eye, and still played tennis, racquet ball,
was a swimmer, and long distance runner.
Bruce had lived and worked in 80 different
countries. Then his life crashed, and he was
now wracked with pain. It had taken one and a
half years for his doctors to diagnose his pros-
tate/bone cancer since he also had been passing
kidney stones, been extremely bloated, and
suffered with stomach illnesses. When he was
finally diagnosed, one year ago, it was much
too late to do anything except palliative treat-
ment; his entire skeleton was involved in bone
cancer, although it had probably started as
prostate cancer. His “total PSA” was 1250.0
ng/mL. It should not be over 4!
He was put on female hormone
(cyproterone) at home, and was still on it (six
times a day). If he missed taking this, his in-
tense bone pains would return at once. I as-
sured him we would not make him suffer.
He brought a total bone scan with him; the
“hot spots” were too numerous to count.
He had already done ten days of the para-
site-killing program before arriving, having
been given The Cure For All Cancers as he left
the hospital in Australia. He arrived on Sep-
tember 18. The first two days were spent get-
ting a blood test, a panoramic X-ray of teeth,
acquiring the new nontoxic body products and
settling into the environmentally safe motel.
His diet came exclusively from the malonate-
free menu at the restaurant nearby. He was first
seen by me on September 20, his shuffling
gait, and stooped shoulders betraying pain.
His blood test told all; the alkaline phos-
phatase (780) was in the top 10% of patients I
had treated. A look at the bone scan put him in
the bottom one percent of “chances of recov-
Aug 27 intense white
regions show bone
cancer dissolving
(lysing) his bones