to lose; the dyes were loose. For two days in a row he took the complete pro-
gram together with 30 capsules B 2 each day. The cerebrum cleared up, but
the cerebellum did not; would he suddenly buckle, never to walk again?
Cysteine and ozonated oil were added; all items were taken at maximum
dose and George made not a single complaint. Down it all went. He began to
have diarrhea (from the large dose of glutathione), and strange green pea-
shaped objects floated in his toilet bowl. He was getting out his liver gall-
stones without doing a liver cleanse! Possibly, the late evening ozonated oil
was doing this.
On his eleventh day he was switched to 2 freeze dried green black wal-
nut hull capsules 4 times a day instead of 10 tsp. tincture. This would keep
up with emerging parasites more efficiently. The next day his cerebellum
was clean.
The 2-week program he had scheduled at our clinic was done, and the
next week father and son did their own cooking. They had learned how to
select, prepare, and sterilize their food. There would be no room for error.
All George’s food was tested before eating. He was encouraged to enroll in
the Syncrometer class so he could eventually do his own food testing.
George’s father cooked with absolute precision. But could he keep this up at
home? What were George’s chances of recovery if they left for home? Zero,
I thought. They decided to stay. I estimated it could take six or more months
before some reduction in size could be expected. This was not just a tumor
but a cyst, also. And cysts are notoriously stable and unassailable. And dan-
gerous because they can get re-colonized at any time. I had not attempted to
shrink a cyst before, only tumors. Cysts are considered benign. But this was
not benign; it was some kind of hybrid. Progress would depend on daily re-
At the next visit the entire toxic team that had once been in his brain was
in his liver. He quickly did a
liver cleanse; then it could all
be seen at his kidneys. He
drank 2 cups of parsley tea
and 3 cups of the remaining
kidney herb tea daily to pro-
duce 1½ gallons of urine
daily. In two days the kid-
neys cleared.
He was scheduled for his
first CT scan with us. Would
the tumor-opening be appar-
ent in some way? Even the
small tumorous part of the
cyst had never been clearly
seen. George hoped it would
Sep 14 some reduction already