cium and iron-loaded cells
did not. Yet there was no
way to get the calcium
deposits out.
His fifth monthly CT,
January 15, again showed
no change. A search of the
lanthanide research lit-
erature showed that they
have long been known to
cause calcium precipita-
tion inside cells. And, in
fact, this normally triggers
cell division. But why
were they present in the
lysosomes along with iron
deposits? (The Syn-
crometer can detect the lysosomes and other cell compartments.) And why
was DNA seemingly stuck to them and produced too long a time? There was
a strange possibility; the lanthanides and iron could be attracting each other
due to their magnetic properties. I searched the body for a susceptible spot
where the DNA could be influenced using a small magnet. Indeed, the DNA
abnormality could be corrected with a small “magnet patch”, only 0.2 gauss,
placed over the spine in a narrow (½ inch) band. We gave George such a
patch, facing the North (by biological convention) side against his skin. He
was taken off many other supplements since they were obviously not able to
remove iron, lanthanides, and calcium deposits. But he was given pancreatin,
1 tsp. to take four times a day.
In three days most lanthanides were already out! At the globus, only
thulium and lanthanum remained. A week later, there was still some thulium;
even two weeks later there was thulium. Thulium sticks tightest inside cells.
Two weeks after starting to wear the tiny magnet patch, George’s iron
deposits had left the cerebrum as well as the lanthanides. As if by magic, the
calcium deposits had left, too! And at the cerebrum all nucleosides were now
gone. And in their place was ATP. A large supply of ATP! The cell-flag for
digestion, phosphatidylserine, was now Positive, and with it pancreatin. Was
the tumor cyst really getting digested? At the globus (his tumor-cyst) things
were not as far along. In fact, nucleosides were still present, the digestion-
flag was not up, and pancreatin was not there either.
But the main portions of the brain already had their immunity back. The
nucleosides, iron and calcium deposits were now in the white blood cells.
Was it safe enough to open the cyst? On the day we planned to try, Ascaris
suddenly reappeared. We delayed again. Eggs and stages were everywhere.
But the eggs could be seen in the brain white blood cells now. Immunity
Jan 15 no change