times a day amounts to a toxic overload for a cancer patient.
(They are not good for healthy people, either.) Cancer patients
have lost much of their immune power and ability to detoxify
foreign substances. These accumulate in the vital organs, as
well as the tumors. “Health” or “natural” brands use the same
Take care of your personal needs using only these recipes.
It’s very tempting to buy “safe” shampoo or body lotion, es-
pecially if the company is listed in Sources, or the salesperson
“guarantees” it meets my high standards for purity. Do not! No
one can check every bottle for every possible pollutant. After
your tumors have shrunk you can take these small risks again.
For now, avoid them.
Borax Liquid Soap and Shampoo
An empty 1 gallon plastic jug
1/8 cup borax powder
Plastic funnel
Funnel the borax into the jug, fill with very hot tap water.
Shake a few times. Let settle. If it is all dissolved, add more bo-
rax until there is some left to settle. In a few minutes you can
pour off the clear part into dispenser bottles. This is the soap!
Use it for all purposes: laundry (see instructions on box),
dishes (use in granular form to scour), dishwasher (2 tsp.), and
Shampoo: Borax liquid should feel slippery between your
fingers; if it does not the concentration is too low; start over,
using a heaping tbs. in a plastic container and enough very hot
water to dissolve. To rinse, use citric acid (see Sources). Re-
move traces of benzene (petroleum residue) from citric acid by
microwaving the entire box for 1 minute first. Ascorbic acid and
lemon juice or vinegar are not strong enough to rinse out borax.
Put ¼ teaspoon citric acid in a plastic container like a cottage
cheese carton. Add about 1 cup of water to it while under the