General Sterilizers
Use chlorine bleach for the toilet, except with lung cancer.
When lung cancer or other lung disease is present, use povidone
iodine (available at pharmacies, it doesn’t stain).
Use alcohol for the rest of the bathroom, and kitchen area.
Moist Towelettes
Always keep a few in a zippered baggie in your pocket or
purse. Cut paper towels in quarters and stack. Place in heavy
duty plastic zippered bag. Pour ethyl alcohol or Lugol’s steril-
izer solution (1 drop per cup) over the towels. Zip shut.
Sweating removes toxins from the body. It should be en-
couraged. A cancer patient should use no chemicals for any
purpose in the armpits (not even baking soda). Simply wash
(without soap).
Dental Bleach
The chemical name for bleach is hypochlorite. There are dif-
ferent grades. The grade used for laundry is not good enough for
internal use. Purchase “USP”, which means food grade. You, or
your health food store, will need to order it (see Sources). Just
because you are using an acceptable grade doesn’t mean you
can use any quantity you want. Bleach is very powerful stuff. It
must be diluted before you can use it without harm. Please fol-
low these directions carefully.
1 tsp. (5 ml) regular bleach, USP grade (5% hypochlorite)
1 pint water (500 ml)
Use a plastic teaspoon to measure and mix. The result is
1/100 as strong, or .05% hypochlorite. This is only a quarter as