Dental bleach is safe for mouth contact. It must not be
swallowed. Do not use it daily unless recovering from dental
work. It introduces too much chlorine into your body. Keep
eyes closed while brushing to avoid spatter.
Cleaning Dentures
Dentures that acquire gray or black discoloration are grow-
ing clostridium bacteria! Kill them by brushing with colloidal
silver and letting them stand without rinsing until the discolora-
tion is gone.
Or soak in dental bleach overnight.
Denture Adhesive
1 rounded tsp. sodium alginate
1 cup water
5 drops wintergreen
3 drops hydrochloric acid
2 tsp. grain alcohol
Bring water to boil. Add alginate, stirring till all dissolved.
To make it thicker, boil longer. Add wintergreen and HCl. After
cooling add grain alcohol.
Don’t keep partials or dentures in your mouth at night. Ster-
ilize them. Salt water, colloidal silver, or dental bleach are satis-
factory. Rotate these for more effectiveness.
Mouth odor is usually caused by Clostridium bacteria!
Don’t cover this up with mouthwash or fragrances. See a den-
tist! Search for a hidden infection. After clearing it up, floss and
then brush teeth with oregano oil or colloidal silver; they serve
as a mouthwash at the same time.