
(pavlina) #1

Lip Crayon

Use this to replace “chap sticks” and “vaseline.” Pour
warmed coconut oil (with vitamin B 2 and 1 drop HCl added)
into the caps of ball-point pens. Cover any holes with tape.
Stand them upright in holes made by a sharp pencil in a tissue
box. After filling, refrigerate. When hard, release them under
the hot water tap. Store in closeable baggie in refrigerator. Wrap
each in a small piece of paper towel.
Commercial chap sticks, like most cosmetics, contain sili-
cone and acrylic acid, not to mention the antiseptic and petro-
leum residues.


The coconut oil molded in pen caps can be used as a sup-
pository. If treating hemorrhoids, add one teaspoon brewer’s
yeast for every ten suppositories.

Skin Lotion

3 tsp. pure cornstarch (see Sources)
1 cup water

Boil starch and water until clear, about one minute. Cool.
Add a pinch of vitamin B 2 powder. Pour into dispenser bottle.
Keep refrigerated.

Shaving Supplies

Switch to an electric shaver to avoid all chemicals.

After Shaves

A quarter teaspoon vitamin C powder dissolved in 1 pint
water. Keep refrigerated.

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