of your body and colonize a trauma site or tumorous organ. This
will prevent tumor shrinking after the malignancy is stopped.
One reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we
are constantly reinfecting ourselves by keeping a supply on our
hands and under our fingernails.
- So the first thing to do is improve sanitation. Use 70%
grain alcohol in a spray bottle at the bathroom sink. Or
Lugol’s iodine, one drop per cup water. Sterilize your
hands after bathroom use and before meals. - Second, take Lugol’s solution, 6 drops in ½ cup water 4
times a day. This is specifically for Salmonella. - Third, use turmeric (2 capsules 3 times a day). This is
the common spice, which I find helps against Shigella , as
well as E. coli. Expect orange colored stool. Increase to 6
capsules (1 tsp.) 3 times a day for serious problems. - Fourth, use fennel (same dosage as for turmeric).
- Fifth, take hydrochloric acid (5%). Put 10 drops in a
glass of water. Drink between or with meals. ONLY
ONCE A DAY. This restores natural pH to the whole in-
testine. - Sixth, use oregano oil (Oreganum vulgare), 10 drops in
an empty capsule. If spilled on sides, wash capsule before
swallowing. Eat bread with it if stomach is sensitive.
Take 3 times a day. - Seventh, if you are constipated , take Cascara sagrada ,
an herb; Start with one capsule a day, use up to maximum
on label. Take extra magnesium (300 mg magnesium
oxide, 2 or 3 a day), and drink a cup of hot water upon
rising in the morning. This will begin to regulate your
With this powerful approach, even a bad bacterial problem
should clear up in two days. If it doesn’t, you are reinfecting.
Throw out all the food in your refrigerator. It has been touched
by hands. Keep your own hands sanitary. Eat only sterilized
food. Keep fingernails short. Do not put fingers in mouth. Your