Clostridium Carriers.................................................................
Although the earth is teeming with clostridia of all varieties
we do not get infected from eating them with dirt accidentally.
But that doesn’t
mean you don’t
have to be very
careful when pre-
paring food. Be-
cause in dirt is a
more sinister
parasite, the rab-
bit fluke.
The rabbit
fluke, Hasstilesia
tricolor, brings
Clostridium into
our bodies indirectly, the way the Trojan horse brought its sol-
diers. Hasstilesia goes directly to the esophagus after it is eaten.
Here the clostridia emerge and while attempting to travel
through our bodies, may find a tooth crevice to survive in, as
well as the colon.
The colon will be more anaerobic as we age, perhaps be-
cause it usually becomes more sluggish in later years. In this
way Clostridium becomes a permanent member of the “flora.”
As if Clostridium isn’t bad enough, I find Hasstilesia also
brings Streptococcus bacteria, c-myc (an oncogene that could
cause cells to divide), Plasmodium malariae (a protozoon), and
Besnoitia (another protozoon)! Everywhere the rabbit fluke
goes, these five “friends” go too. Fortunately, they are all killed
by the herbal parasite program and zapping.