Reducing pain is the first and most important need for any
cancer sufferer. It is a patient’s right to have pain relief. You
may be in excruciating pain, and on morphine because no other
painkiller “touches it.” Or you may be stoically “putting up”
with it, not sleeping, barely able to get up from your chair to get
to the bathroom. Pain is the true master of us all. It even takes
away our initiative to get well. If a cancer sufferer has decided
to give up the battle, this wish should be understood and re-
spected. But removing pain can change all that! And initiative
and determination to conquer this disease can return.
We have been told that pain in cancer is due to the cancer.
This is not true. The pain is caused mainly by bacteria. There is
very little contribution from other causes. The simple act of
pulling infected teeth can reduce the pain to half within hours
even though the pain is at the hip or abdomen, far away from
the teeth. The Dental Aftercare program reduces it further.
Streptococcus bacteria play the major role in producing
pain. They reside in numerous little pockets all over our bodies,
even if we consider ourselves “well,” making phenol. When the
phenol can no longer be detoxified at some location, it builds up
to produce pain. All our painful locations have streptococcus
bacteria living there!
Streptococcus bacteria killers include cayenne pepper,
inositol, ozonated water, and oregano oil (Oreganum vulgare),
and zapping. None of these work decisively in the body. Yet in
a week you could be in a lot less pain by taking inositol and
oregano oil before meals plus cayenne capsules with meals.
Take ½ tsp. inositol in ¼ cup water; it is sweetish. Oregano
oil may be taken as 3 drops placed in an empty capsule for
moderate pain; 20 drops for severe pain, followed by bread. Re-
peat 3 times a day if on morphine. The cayenne dose must be
worked up gradually to get to a dosage of six capsules three
times a day for three days in a row.