Special Tribute
This work is dedicated to the unsung heroes of so-called
“alternative” cancer therapies, both past and present. With their
own money, and on their own time, they chose to do battle
against humanity’s most tragic mystery disease, cancer. Al-
though this disease dates back to antiquity, its wild acceleration
in the past 100 years has baffled us all. Facing the mythical
monsters of the Greek literature in ancient times with mere
rocks or swords could not have been more daunting than this
disease. This challenge was often undertaken or continued even
with the ridicule of peers, impending bankruptcy, and on-going
lawsuits. Their compassion for cancer sufferers is immeasur-
able. If it were not for their writings, I could not have made my
own discoveries. Knowledge is built upon knowledge. I am
deeply grateful to all these persons for their sacrifice of life’s
comforts to further the cause of truth and to describe their work:
Max Gerson, Virginia Livingston Wheeler, Harold W. Manner,
Andrew C. Ivy, Robert R. Rife, William F. Koch, Ernst T.
Krebs Jr. There are many more for whom this tribute is in-
tended. Some had an MD, some had a Ph.D., some had both,
and others none. No matter, they had the right stuff. Their hard
work stands as a monument to the essential goodness of hu-