There are two purposes for doing the dental clean-up:
- to clear up Clostridium infection
- to remove mutagens and carcinogens from your mouth.
Clearing up Clostridium infection requires removing ab-
scessed teeth, teeth with microleakage (infections in crevices
under fillings), and eliminating infections in the jawbone itself
where teeth once were, called cavitations.
Removing mutagens and carcinogens means all metals and
plastic materials in your mouth. You may believe you have only
“gold” or “silver” in your teeth. But these are really gold or sil-
ver alloys, containing many metals, including carcinogenic
The Syncrometer® detects about 30 metals in any “gold” or
“silver” filling. These include nickel, copper, cobalt, vanadium,
thallium, germanium, cadmium, mercury, platinum, titanium,
and even uranium! In my Syncrometer studies, I have found
copper, cobalt, and vanadium to be present in every tumor.
Seeping from both metal and plastic teeth, these metals are
common denominators in advanced cancer cases. I have also
found inorganic “bad” germanium in enough cases to consider it
another common denominator. These begin to build up in your
tissues in the early, tumor-forming stage. I am not sure whether
these toxins play a role in actual tumor growth, but eventually
they cause the anemia, liver failure, kidney failure, mutations,
hypercalcemia, and immunity failure that causes death. So I
want to emphasize again, that even if a magic wand shrank your
tumors, you are still in mortal danger unless you get your dental
work done!
(^59) Phillips, R.W., Skinner’s Science of Dental Materials 9th Ed., W.B. Saunders Co.,
1991, ch. 20, Dental Casting Alloys, pp. 359-84.