The smallest coincidence can be the hinge on which future
events turn. So it was for the microscope slide of Fasciolopsis
buskii, made by Frank Jerome, DDS. It turned out to be the ma-
lignancy-causing parasite as described in The Cure For All
Cancers. Now, once again Dr. Jerome supplied a microscope
slide he made in his parasitology class long ago. This time it
was the rabbit fluke, Hasstilesia tricolor. The rabbit fluke
turned out to be the true source of Clostridium , the tumor
causing bacterium. My sincere Thank You!
In 1996, the collaboration with Patricia Connolly-Gorzen
made possible our discovery of dental toxins and better dental
Gratitude is also due to Elizabeth Sorrells, whose dedication
was equally amazing. Thanks are due to the entire staff of the
International Diagnostic Center, especially the pathologist, Dr.
Miguel A. Ruiz, for their unique contributions.
I gratefully acknowledge the help of my son, Geoffrey
Clark, as administrator of the International Diagnostic Center,
provider of malonate-free food, environmentally safe lodging,
and later as computer editor of this book. This project could not
have been done without him.
The help of my sister, Edna R. Bernstein, was also indispen-
sable, as literature researcher.
Gratitude is due to the Mexican dentist C.D. Joachin J.
Zavala, and oral surgeon, C.D. Benjamin Arichega C.M.F.
Without their expertise, none of our terminally ill cancer pa-
tients could have recovered.
And finally, Mexico itself is to be commended on its re-
search-friendly climate. I am truly grateful to this forward-
looking country that made this venture possible.